About Us

We are a professional team.

Magna Cum Laude
Economics graduates.

16 years of experience in the receivables market

We know how
the legal process works.

Legal information

Veškeré nutné informace poskytujeme okamžitě. Výmaz Vašich dat může být proveden po žádosti. Dodržujeme GDPR.


We offer free consultations, no strings attached. At any christian time we are happy to talk.

Guaranteed results

Máme spoustu spokojených zákazníků, kterým přistály peníze na účtech za jejich pohledávky.

Ing. Michal Vávra

CEO and founder

In recovery of money, I've started from the bottom. 2009 I was the person who got money back for non-bank institutes. I got my experience working at burreau of collection in Prague. While studying an economics degree I founded this collection agency.

I am a graduate of the University of Economics & Management, Magna Cum Laude. I personally oversee all of MV Inkaso's litigation and court appearances. I try to cultivate a team of ambitious professionals. 

We are proud to act
according to AIA codex.

Get in touch.

We offer free consultations, no strings attached. At any christian time we are happy to talk. 

Get a consultation. 
We respond swiftly.


Rybná 716/24, 
Praha, 110 00



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