Get your money back!

Is there someone who owes you money in Czech Republic. We can take care of that.

Get a consultation
We answer all concerns
Get all you are owed!

Your personal receivable resolver

Are you not sure and want to know details of our work?

Get your money back!

Either contact us with documentation of the recievable, or give us a call. 

We have an expert team.

Our professionals hardened by their experience will go to the depths of the earth to get your money. 

Don't wait for the indebted!

How come they never have that money, when you need it paid back? 

We prepare necessary documents.

All we need is ID and contracts connected to the recievable. The rest, you can leave to us.  

Who are we?

We are here to serve justice. Justice for each and every person that has someone owing them money. We fight for your rights. 

Ing. Michal Vávra


We are proud to act
according to AIA codex.

Get a consultation.
We respond swiftly.


Rybná 716/24,
Praha, 110 00


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